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Know Your Diggers

Publisher:  Old Pond Publishing
ISBN:  978-1-906853-81-5
Author:  Paul Argent
Book published 2011, 45 pages  
Review Date:  October 2011

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Front Cover.
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Sample page.
This small pocket-sized book contains a photo and some information about 45 different machines. 

Each description lists the manufacturer, where the machine is made and the class of machine.  The text varies in composition with some entries including the company history, others what the type of machine is used for, and varying amounts of specific information about the machine in question.  The photos are reasonably good, although there is only one of each machine and the border to each one is perhaps overlarge.

Although the title of the book suggests it is only about diggers, in fact there are many different types of machine, mostly with some connection to earthmoving or roadworks.

It is a little difficult to know who the book is aimed at.  Certainly most enthusiasts would find it superficial, and in this respect the wide spread of machine types does not help.  It does not really fit the bill as a fully fledged 'spotter's guide', although it would suit a younger reader or someone with little knowledge wanting to know something about these types of machines.

Sample page.
Sample page.