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Sennebogen 818M E Series Materials Handler

Maker:  Conrad
Model No:  2944
Scale:  1:50
Review Date:  May 2014

Conrad Index
Material Handling Index

Cranes Etc Model Rating
Packaging   (max 10) 7
Detail   (max 30) 22
Features   (max 20) 17
Quality   (max 25) 21
Price   (max 15) 12
Overall   (max 100) 79%


Sennebogen 818M E Series Materials Handler video.  [Youku Video]
Sennebogen branded box.
Good tyres and steering.
Dozing blade.
Decent roof details.
Hydraulics run to the grab.
Sorting grab is plastic but looks good.
Cab elevated.
Loading a tipper.
Comment on this model.

The Sennebogen 818 Series E is a machine designed for material handling applications.  It has a typical operating weight of around 22 tonnes.

The modelled version is the mobile wheeled machine and it is fitted with a sorting grab.  It appears to be the K9 ULM boom configuration and it has the optional 2-point stabilisers and dozing blade.


The model box is Sennebogen-branded and it includes some  information about the real machine.  Inside the model is contained within cardboard-backed foam rubber. 

There were no missing parts or defects on the review model.

The only assembly required is to fit a mirror.


The underside of the machine is good with the transmission to each axle modelled in plastic.  The double plastic wheels are detailed and the tyres have a good tread pattern. 

The undercarriage is metal with plastic stabiliser beams and pads and the colour match to the metal parts is a slightly off.  At the other end is a metal dozing blade.

The cab has metal grab rails and the mirror is not silvered.  Inside the detailing is good with distinct controls.  The elevating mechanism is connected by small brass rivets and the cable band is nice soft plastic. 

The body casting is enhanced by the graphics which include small warning signs and the Sennebogen name is subtly embossed in the counterweight casting.  Also good is the rear camera and the exhaust pipe which has a proper hole.  At the front is a metal ladder leading to the roof where there is texturing and painted detail.

There are soft hoses running up the boom, across the stick, and to the grab.  A nice touch is that hoses also run on the underside of the boom.  The connection rivets used are small.

The sorting grab is plastic and nicely formed.


It rolls well on its tyres.  One axle steers to a good angle, and it also oscillates for use on uneven terrain.

The stabilisers can be lowered and the pads pivot, and the dozer blade lowers also. 

The cab elevates smoothly.

The model rotates well.

The movement of the boom and stick is very good and the cylinders have enough stiffness to hold any pose.  It can also adopt a realistic transport pose.

The sorting grab rotates and it opens and closes smoothly, although the linking between the two halves of the grab will pop open under pressure although it is easily reattached.


This a good quality model by Conrad with plastic used appropriately.

The paintwork is very good with nice sharp detailed graphics throughout.


It is good value.


Conrad has produced a good functional attractive model for Sennebogen and it has some very pleasing details too.  It is highly recommended.


The model first appeared in the Sennebogen webshop in May 2014.
Small graphics on the body.
Transmission modelled underneath.
Detailed cab interior.
Profile view.
Boom lowers fully to make a good transport load.
Looks realistic.
Ready to be transported.