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Hamm HD 12e VV Roller

Maker:  NZG
Model No:  1087
Scale:  1:50
Review Date:  January 2025

NZG Index
Roadworks Equipment Index

Cranes Etc Model Rating
Packaging   (max 10) 8
Detail   (max 30) 25
Features   (max 20) 11
Quality   (max 25) 21
Price   (max 15) 10
Overall   (max 100) 75%


Hamm HD 12e VV  and 12i VO Rollers Video 
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Hamm branded box.
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Metal ROPS.
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Nice metal drums.
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Detailed operator's area.
Detailed front end.
On site.

The Hamm HD 12e VV is a tandem roller with vibrating drums.  The real machine has a drum width of 1200mm and weighs around 2.8 tonnes.

This machine uses electric power.


The model is contained within two polystyrene trays enclosed in a small branded box. 

The review model had no defects or missing parts.

There is no assembly required. The box sleeve has some pictures of the real machine.


Underneath there is simple detail and surprisingly there is no NZG logo.  The drums are metal and smooth and there are two scrapers on each drum.

At the front the grille is modelled well and there are tiny Hamm, Wirtgen and E power graphics.  There are painted lights and a plastic bumper bar. 

The drum supports have highlighted bolt heads.

The operator's area has a diamond plate surfacing, and the main controls are represented in plastic. 

The lifting bar is plastic and the roll-over bar is metal and includes a beacon light.

At the rear there are painted lights and a plastic bumper bar.


The rollers turn well and the model rolls reasonably well when pushed.

The roller has moderate steering by rotation at the pivot point in the centre. 


This is a small well-made model with a high metal content and is relatively heavy for the small size. 

The paint and graphics are very good.


It is fair value.


This is a very nice small model made to NZG's usual quality standard.


The model was released at the end of 2024.
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Profile view.
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Tiny graphics at the front.
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Simple underneath.
It is a small machine.
As a transport load.